{{:en:world_drives1.jpg? |}} // • initiates and organizes cultural projects • promotes research and learning in global, regional and local contexts • builds bridges between the sciences of culture and arts, planning and design • is an international network unregistered as non-profit organization (Handelskammer of Kt. Zürich) • is engaged and embedded into high-school and university teaching in Germany [[de:world_driv1|Kulturprojekte]] https://www.culturprospectiv.ch/_media/en:world_drives_association.pdf // ====== Cultural Projects ====== ===See former projects=== https://www.culturprospectiv.ch/de:ausstellungen {{:en:cendr.jpg?100 |}} **"C3 Cendrars, Corbusier, Chevrolet. An essay on modern times made in La Chaux-de-Fonds" **Contribution to "La Chaux-de-Fonds, Chandigarh, Brasilia - Utopia and Reality of Urbanism in the 20th Century".[[http://livre.fnac.com/a7056071/Kornelia-Imesch-Oechslin-Utopie-et-realite-de-l-urbanisme#ficheResume|Publikation erschienen.]] At the international Symposium of KOGGE, an association of writers and literature in Minden (Germany) **Blaise Cendrars was presented as an explorer of [[http://www.mt-online.de/lokales/kultur/3172613_Raum_erzaehlt_sich_selbst.html|Räume der Erzählung]] \\ \\ \\ {{:en:papillo.jpg?100 |}} What happens when planners walk together with writers through cities? **Planner's planimetric spaces plunge into poetic imagination. The city mutates from a system of things to a living body of people and its vitality.** [[http://www.kunstportal-bw.de/tvrstart.html|Poetic Space]] \\ \\ \\ \\ {{:en:stall_engad.jpg?100 |}}**"Der nicht mehr gebrauchte Stall"** – International Exhibition about the Alpine Landscape of agrîcultural heritage on the background of global transformations** [[http://www.culturprospectiv.ch/en:world_driven|see Globalisation and the Alpes.]] ===Previous projects=== A series of national and international exposition projects serve as source of competences and knowledge: * WORLD SOCIETY IN ZURICH • WELTGESELLSCHAFT IN ZURICH (2007); mandate of the World Society Foundation [[de:weltgesellschaft_in_zuerich |see in German.]] * WELTFLECHTWERK – DIE EINHEIT HINTER DEN GEGENSAETZEN Exposition in Berlin, Calw, Bozen at the occasion of the 125th anniversary of birth of Hermann Hesse (2002); mandate of the city of Calw and Baden Württemberg. * TERRITOIRE IMAGINAIRE Expo 02. Swiss National Exposition in Bienne (2002); mandate of the Swiss Association of Cantonal Banks. * 900 JAHRE ZUKUNFT - 900 YEARS of FUTURE Exposition in the monastery Mehrerau at the Lake of Bodensee (1999); mandate of the government of Land Vorarlberg. [[de:ausstellungen|See for more details Ausstellungen]]